Phased Rental

Sentinel LDK Functionality Manages the time period over which your software can be used
Software Distribution Method

>Physical package

>Electronic distribution

Applicable Key Types

>All Sentinel HL (Driverless configuration) keys except Sentinel HL Basic

>Sentinel SL (including CL)

Protection Method

>Envelope-based automatic implementation

>API-based automatic implementation


The end user pays a monthly fee, with a phased pricing structure, which can be associated with an entire product or a specific functionality. The transition from one phase to another is implemented using the RUS utility.

>Phase 1 : A fraction of the regular usage price is charged (micro-payment) for a limited period of time. This provides an incentive for the end user to enter into a rental agreement for use of the software. If payment is not received for Phase 2, the license expires at the end of the defined time period.

>Phase 2 : The full monthly rental price is charged, for an indefinite time period.


1.Select the executable file or software functions that you want to license, and determine by which Feature ID each file or function will be identified.

2.Select your protection method:

Envelope-based automatic implementation
Protect the executable file using Sentinel LDK Envelope, specifying its Feature ID.

API-based automatic implementation
In your code, insert a Sentinel Licensing API Login call to the Feature ID.

NOTE   To set the time limit for a specific functionality, apply API-based automatic implementation. To set the time limit for an executable file, apply either Sentinel LDK Envelope-based or Sentinel Licensing API‑based automatic implementation.

3.In Sentinel LDK-EMS, create a Product that includes the Feature ID and define an expiration date or the number of days until expiration of Phase 1.

4.Distribute your software with the appropriate Sentinel protection key programmed with the license.

5.Subject to receiving payment for Phase 2 from the user, extend the license remotely using the RUS utility.